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FAQ | Welcome to the boat classifieds ads Frequently Asked Questions | Boat announcements, yachts advertisements | Yacht Marketplace, used boats for sale, used yachts for sale
You can browse the content of the Service without registering an account. However, you cannot place an ad and/or use another paid service if you do not register your account.
To register your account, you need to fill in the registration form by clicking the “create account” button in the top menu of the main page. The form requires you to enter your details and obligatorily fill in half with *. Afterwards, the form is verified within maximum 24 hours and you will receive an information on account activation to your e-mail box. Only with a validated account you have the possibility of buying a paid service of placing an ad.
In order to place an ad, you need to choose an appropriate price plan and make payment using the payment methods available on the website, filling in the forms provided. We offer three price plans depending on the preferred subscription duration: 30, 90 and 180 days. You will then be notified by the service when your chosen service is launched.
Payments for services are processed by the most popular payment providers around the world, so you are guaranteed that your payments are secure.
Yes, you will always receive an invoice for the service you purchased. The invoice is sent to your e-mail box.
Yes, according to European Union law, you can receive an EU VAT invoice if we verify that you are an active VAT payer registered in a EU Member State and have an active European VAT number. To do this, you should contact us at the following email address: [email protected].
Your advertisement is published on the Portal for 30, 90 or 180 days, depending on the plan you choose.
The service is an advertising platform where users place their boat sale offers. You will be able to upload photos, videos and add your own individual description of the item for sale. Detailed information about the content you can find in Terms of Service.
No, in no way and at no stage mediates in transactions between the seller and the buyer.
If you cannot log in, check the spelling and case in your username and password – did you press the Capslock key? If you cannot remember your password, you can use the ‘remind me the password’ option which is visible below the login window. You will receive an email with instructions on how to change your password.
Another possibility is that you are using incorrect cookie settings in your web browser.
You can delete your ad until the last day of the selected tariff plan. To delete an ad, you must be logged in to your account. In the ad options, you will find the “Delete” button next to the photo of your object. To prevent accidental deletion, confirm your choice. Once you confirm the deletion again, the ad will be permanently deleted.
After the expiry of the last day of the selected tariff plan, your ad will be inactive. To reactivate your ad, you must manually select the option to renew your ad, which is visible next to the ad in question. In this way, you can only renew the same plan that was originally selected. To renew your ad in a different plan, you must enter it again by selecting a different plan of your interest.
Ads that do not contain a photo are not authorised by the system for the sake of the highest quality of services offered. If you complete your ad, it will be placed on the Website, provided that all other conditions of the Website regulations are met. Another reason may be the verification of your ad by our employees. Ads are checked manually, which means that they do not appear on the portal immediately. Wait 24h, and if you still encounter a problem, please contact us: [email protected].